March 11, 2020

Entrepreneurs make something out of nothing

Canary Wharf, London, England

Successful traits of a change leader

Leaders who are motivated by a specific purpose and have a compelling vision become change leaders of society and culture. The leaders who are entrepreneurs are those who take initiative to create something that they believe in and have the vision for. They align others to come alongside them and help the vision to become a reality. They are willing to take difficult situations and use the unfair advantage to their advantage. They see opportunity where others may see none.

Dr. David Javitch in “The Entrepreneur as a Leader” gives 10 traits of successful entrepreneurial leaders. He states these points, “The successful leader has vision, communicates well, supports and guides the employees, believes in him or herself, creates an atmosphere that encourages others to thrive, by walking around, acts and reacts in an honest manner, creates and fosters a learning environment, perseveres, and shares successes.”

Top 3 characteristics of a leader

1. A compelling vision
2. The ability to get people on board
3. The ability to execute

4 unique traits of an entrepreneur  

1. Can create something out of nothing
2. A much higher than average desire to succeed
3. Will do what it takes by partnering and working alone wherever needed.
4. The ability to sacrifice to make something happen

The energy behind entrepreneurs

I typically refer to entrepreneurs as “blank paper people”. They have the ability to be energized by a blank and white piece of paper. They are challenged by opportunity and excel even when the odds are against them. I have been an entrepreneur for many years, but am now truly in a place to develop entrepreneurialism. It’s been highly energizing to step out, take risks and develop my entrepreneurial skills.

If you are a leader who has entrepreneurial traits, seek opportunities to develop them and become all you were intended to be. An entrepreneur is not necessarily someone who creates and builds new things alone. They work within any environment and seize opportunities to create never-been-done concepts.  Our society celebrates the new approaches. Doing something different is not only often highly successful, it’s also incredibly fun and rewarding. Once things work, you can then embrace change management, but that is a topic for another day! Meanwhile, embrace the leader within you that is desperately wanting to try something new. Go. Create. Be a change leader!

by Karen Schenk

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