Sherwood Park Alliance Church

Faith based community in Strathcona County.

Who they are.

SPAC is a church in Sherwood Park, Alberta committed to loving everyone, extending hospitality and grace to neighbors locally and globally.

Why they approached us.

SPAC has worked with Iconium Media since 2015. They were our fourth client when they approached us to create a short inspirational video. Over the years, they have sought out ongoing film, design, advertising, animation and website updating.

How we helped.

Since 2015, Iconium Media has created inspiration videos, PRAXIS, a youth training series, produced all online services during covid, provided communication, website updating, newsletters, design, social media and advertising as their as-in-house marketing department for a duration of several years, and continue to create digital design content. They have been a partner and Iconium is thankful for the robust manner we have been able to expand their reach and assist in their transformational work.

Film & photo

Strathcona County videos:

More work

Have a project in mind? Get in touch.

Our creative team looks forward to helping you take your dream from an idea to a completed project that you are proud to share.